Results for London City Race Barbican - 09-Sep-2017 - Men's Super Veterans

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Men's Super Veterans - Results


Pos No. Name Club Age Class Time Behind
1st 104 John Embrey DEE M55 38:59  
2nd 21 Keith Tonkin GO M55 39:35 +0:36
3rd 356 Neil Crickmore SO M55 40:48 +1:49
4th 35 Gavin Clegg BOK M60 40:55 +1:56
5th 646 Roger Thetford TVOC M55 41:55 +2:56
6th= 574 Steve Webb AIRE M55 41:59 +3:00
6th= 559 Peter Jones SN M60 41:59 +3:00
8th 887 Adrian Pickles WRE M60 42:14 +3:15
9th 15 Alun Jones TVOC M60 43:14 +4:15
10th 800 Philip Eeles SOC M60 43:18 +4:19
11th 256 Jon Bjørgum Kristiansand OK M55 43:20 +4:21
12th 769 Christopher Kelsey BOK M60 43:59 +5:00
13th 335 Barry Elkington OD M60 44:29 +5:30
14th 602 Ian Ditchfield MV M60 44:33 +5:34
15th 615 Chris Norwood EUREKA M60 45:01 +6:02
16th 741 Nick Green GO M55 45:14 +6:15
17th 334 Alan Rosen HH M60 45:18 +6:19
18th 378 Jonathan Gilbert NOR M55 45:46 +6:47
19th 29 Phil Newall KERNO M55 46:20 +7:21
20th 377 Michael Muggeridge HAVOC M55 46:27 +7:28
21st 113 Clive Wilkinson SUFFOC M55 46:50 +7:51
22nd 507 Steve Ingleby DEE M60 47:09 +8:10
23rd 129 Steve Blount SO M55 48:21 +9:22
24th 905 Richard Gardner OD M60 48:42 +9:43
25th 42 Mats Carlsvärd Almby IK M55 49:05 +10:06
26th 221 Thomas Svensson Motala AIF OL M60 49:23 +10:24
27th 102 Nick Campbell DEE M60 49:47 +10:48
28th 274 Dmitry Perchonok Emek Hefer M55 49:54 +10:55
29th 185 John Leeson HOC M55 50:00 +11:01
30th 414 Simon Blanchflower SAX M60 50:13 +11:14
31st 892 Simon Moore BKO M55 50:18 +11:19
32nd 242 Per Willads Torgersen Oddersjaa M60 50:58 +11:59
33rd 305 Neil Harvatt HALO M60 51:02 +12:03
34th= 693 Mike Snell OD M60 51:27 +12:28
34th= 630 David Faulkner BOK M55 51:27 +12:28
36th= 725 Alan Leakey SLOW M60 51:30 +12:31
36th= 933 David Vincent DVO M55 51:30 +12:31
38th 616 Nigel Bush MV M60 51:35 +12:36
39th 687 Rob Hick WSX M55 51:36 +12:37
40th 525 Colin West SOS M60 51:40 +12:41
41st 342 Nigel Hoult BKO M60 51:42 +12:43
42nd 536 Peter Haynes WAOC M55 52:29 +13:30
43rd 816 Ian Byrne SMOC M60 52:59 +14:00
44th 70 Robert Parkinson NOC M60 53:35 +14:36
45th 956 Andrew Evans DFOK M60 54:04 +15:05
46th 477 Stephen Kimberley DVO M55 54:08 +15:09
47th 623 Mark Webster NOC M50 54:29 +15:30
48th 200 John Duffield HH M70 54:31 +15:32
49th 61 Richard Bonnett BAOC M60 55:03 +16:04
50th 603 Mike Goldthorpe SOC M55 55:22 +16:23
51st 544 Mike Capper WAOC M60 55:34 +16:35
52nd 890 Neil Brooks LOK M55 55:41 +16:42
53rd 139 Kevin Machin SOS M55 55:56 +16:57
54th 415 Andrew Welsh HAVOC M60 56:04 +17:05
55th 253 Mikhail Gryaznevich TVOC M60 56:13 +17:14
56th 216 Patrick Murphy BOC M60 56:38 +17:39
57th 412 Graham Thomas SAX M55 57:24 +18:25
58th 62 Peter Harris HALO M55 57:50 +18:51
59th 636 Jon Paton SN M55 57:52 +18:53
60th 589 Bohdan Rainczuk SAX M55 58:04 +19:05
61st= 960 Alan Wallis SN M55 58:10 +19:11
61st= 473 Jerry Purkis SAX M60 58:10 +19:11
63rd 88 Adriano Wendler SciClub Udine M55 58:26 +19:27
64th 25 Barry Olds KERNO M60 58:31 +19:32
65th 349 Paul Langston HH M60 58:33 +19:34
66th= 370 Richard Catmur SLOW M60 58:48 +19:49
66th= 460 John McCullough 3ROC M60 58:48 +19:49
68th 690 Graham Lloyd EPOC M55 59:15 +20:16
69th 266 Adam Leaf HH M55 59:22 +20:23
70th 278 Peter Waldron NOR M60 59:38 +20:39
71st 463 Barry Woodfine SAX M55 59:47 +20:48
72nd 945 Mark Foxwell BKO M50 60:12 +21:13
73rd 283 Chris Johnson BOK M60 60:33 +21:34
74th 120 Thomas Johansson Almby IK M60 61:11 +22:12
75th 440 Ronan Cleary LOK M55 61:47 +22:48
76th 374 Ian Byford HH M55 62:09 +23:10
77th 6 Peter Martin MV M55 62:58 +23:59
78th 617 Neil Gordon BAOC M55 63:00 +24:01
79th 64 Mick Smith HH M65 63:40 +24:41
80th 437 Bob Hill WAOC M60 63:49 +24:50
81st 359 Roger Moulding HH M70 64:40 +25:41
82nd 770 Peteris Zarins Mona M55 64:52 +25:53
83rd 312 Steve Ewens SO M60 65:12 +26:13
84th 81 Jozsef Bugár BÖF Hungary M60 68:13 +29:14
85th 150 David Roach SLOW M60 68:24 +29:25
86th 612 Brian Hodge WIM M55 68:27 +29:28
87th 597 Kevin Parkes HH M55 68:33 +29:34
88th 896 Philip Craven DFOK M60 70:05 +31:06
89th 591 Philip Kirk OD M60 70:26 +31:27
90th 928 Andrew Ward SO M55 72:34 +33:35
91st 328 Simon St Leger-Harris BOK M60 74:53 +35:54
92nd 474 Chris Shaw HAVOC M65 75:58 +36:59
93rd 169 Alan Newman IND M55 76:58 +37:59
94th 625 Rod Mansel SUFFOC M55 77:01 +38:02
95th 430 Haydn Leaker SMOC M60 82:52 +43:53
96th 306 David LeFevre DFOK M60 88:31 +49:32
97th 375 Derek Jenner CHIG M60 100:21 +61:22
98th 534 Graham Urquhart OD M60 104:36 +65:37
m14-16 303 Anthony Cox COLE M55 39:23  
m14-20 212 Paul Hudson NOC M55 57:09  
m16 920 Roderick Hoffman IND M55 71:20  
w20 941 Hans Christian Garmann Johnsen University of Agder M60 96:17