
Controller's Comments
First, may I express my sincere regret for the disappearance of the first two controls on the Yellow course. At the time Susan and I were checking the controls for the Green course, some of which were unique to Green. I could easily have come back via the controls affected and possibly have discouraged the vandal (the controls were eventually found thrown into the undergrowth). It was a little time later that Susan spotted the problem, after some competitors had been affected. Perhaps we should be grateful that other similarly vulnerable controls were left alone. I can only hope that no competitor was too upset by this problem.

On a much more cheerful note may I say how much I enjoyed working with Andrew and Anne (the Planners) and Ginny and Richard (the Organisers). One definition of the Controller is 'the person responsible for looking after the competitors' interests'. I believe that this was a very enjoyable Relay, so on behalf of all those taking part I simply say 'Thank you' to all the workers.

David Thomas (SN)

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