
Controls 1 & 2 on the Yellow course were vandalised and had to be replaced. Teams unable to find the controls were numbers 64, 66, 68, 70, 73, 74, 76, 81. Times have not been adjusted as it is impossible to estimate time lost. The table below shows all yellow course competitors with their time to control 3.

Team	Time to		Total Time
No.	Control 3
71	 3:09		11:54
61	 3:57		13:37
75	 4:48		13:40
103	 4:17		14:25
100	 4:09		14:36
104	 5:09		16:01
63	 4:07		16:14
67	 4:27		16:37
81	 6:17		17:26	Control Missing
82	 6:11		18:40
70	 9:27		19:14	Control Missing
62	 9:11		19:16
101	 7:41		19:48
84	 6:56		19:50
83	 6:06		20:43
105	 6:09		21:23
79	 6:38		22:17
69	12:21		22:44
72	 6:52		24:24
73	12:39		24:30	Control Missing
76	12:26		25:33	Control Missing
68	12:18		25:59	Control Missing
78	15:16		26:13
66	11:23		26:21	Control Missing
74	19:08		30:57	Control Missing
77	 5:11		31:08
64	22:48		34:43	Control Missing
65	22:32		35:41
102	30:00		48:31

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