SLOW's SE Score Championships - 26 Aug 02

Event Summary

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Overall Team Summary

  Rank    Score     Name
   1       5175     SLOW
   2       4840     SN
   3       3995     MV
   4       3130     HH
   5       1680     SO
   6       1650     GO
   7       1480     TVOC
   8       1390     LOK
   9       1340     IND
  10       1280     BAOC
  11        570     CHIG
  12        550     JOK
  13        500     DFOK
  14        490     SAX
  15        430     CROC

SLOW are the 2002 SE Score Champions!!!

Planner's Comments:

I have always been enthusiastic about score events so was very pleased to be invited to plan on Wimbledon. My personal favourite score event elements are a mass start, control numbers which easily translate to their point value and a wide variety of route choice; I think we managed most of those; and your feed back was positive and much appreciated.

The large number of controls (34) was required to give the 40 minute runners a good variety of controls and routes; this seemed to work well and the younger legs in particular got on well with this option.

We never expected too many people on the colour coded but the complexity of the score controls made these a good option for the less experienced; they even received enlarged 1:7,500 laser printed map. Everyone made it back and all seemed to be pleased with the routes.

The S60 winner, David Rollins', route was as follows:

   1(113)  2(114)  3(134)  4(133)  5(123)  6(141)  7(132)  8(130)  9(140) 10(120) 11(131) 12(121) 13(122) 14(110)
  15(124) 16(135) 17(116) 18(136) 19(119) 20(139) 21(138) 22(127) 23(142) 24(118) 25(129) 26(137) 27(126) 28(112)
  29(125)       F                                                                                                

This was very close to my pre-event guess of the optimum route for long distance runners!

Well done all and thanks for coming.

Gavin Andrews

Organiser's Comments:


Controller's Comments: