Clapham Street-O Results

There was a great turn out at the Clapham Street-O, the finale of the 2023-24 series. Over 100 people walked/ jogged/ ran, enjoying a glorious evening of orienteering. Special shout out goes to the Buchanans, who are probably the oldest competitors we’ve ever had at a Street-O!

Many thanks to Barbara for organising a great event and to all the on the day helpers.


Routegadget – draw your route!

Series results after race 8

It was close at the top with the top 3 all getting 700 points. It was James Hoad who came back quickest and took the win. Vinh-Phuong Hoang was top woman. Lucy Graham judged her run the best and finished within 1s of the hour limit.

270 people took part in the series, 44 of whom did at least five events to get a full set of counting scores. Well done to the top three men Simon, Ryan and Chris and the top three women Vinh-Phuong, Eleanor and Kezia.

Contact  for results queries.

Prize winners

  • Men’s overall series winner – Simon Wright
  • Women’s overall series winner – Vinh-Phuong Hoang
  • Attendees of all 8 races in the series – Simon Wright, Ryan Sutton, Keith Bennett, Eleanor Broughton, Geoff Goodwin, John Phillipson, David LeFevre
  • Top 5 most improved from the 2022-23 series – Nick Davies, Todd Fallesen, Blyda Hefer, Roderick Hoffman, Anna Shierson

Next events

The focus now turns to the Park Race series with events every week from May to July. The first race will be in Finsbury Park next week 21st May; entries currently open.

See you again in September/ October for the new Street-O series.