Posting Event Results
The Results Post, also called Event Report
You expect:
One or more .pdf files
Results file .xml
Course file .xml
Blank .gif (alternatives that permit creation e.g. ocad possible)
All (or some) controls information perhaps as a .pdf – or you have your own map of a long course
Typical headings for the post
Results – the pdf file(s)
Comments of officials
Winsplits (external link)
Routegadget (external link)
British Orienteering (external link)
SportIdent Query Format (external link)
(additional photos)
We tend not now to upload to Splitsbrowser (function available via Routegadget) or Attackpoint (little used for results, except by Americans.) Currently the webteam do not load results to British Orienteering, but the link can be found easily from the British Orienteering Results pages. We like the SportIdent query format for near realtime provisional results on the day, but not for publishing final results. We use the SportIdent server, and the service requires Javascript served by the SportIdent server. Gordon provides the URL.
Note on XML files (24th March 2022): In SLOW, the .xml files used are outputs from SportIdent event admin software. Much of the time there are ouput .xml formats that match the input .xml layouts that Winsplits and Routegadget work best with. But unfortunately this is not always the case. This especially applies to relays. It’s appropriate to compromise on the results posting, or edit the .xml files, but that is beyond the scope of these notes.
Loading to Winsplits
Choose “upload split times” and follow the dialogue.
The file to upload is the results .xml “IOF XML” type
Enter SLOW as Organizer
Note the number (used in our event database) and the password (in case of need to change)
Loading to Routegadget
Routegadget needs three input files: map, courses and results, and your help getting the courses in the right place on the map (which is why you need to know where some widely separated controls were, as provided by an all controls map.)
Invariably the map is not already there so as a first step Add Map.
Then Add Event.
Enter event template information, name, club, date etc.
Select the map.
Upload the results file and the course file (both .xml). A panel displays a short summary that will be encouraging.
You will see the controls as a purple overlay that is not in position yet.
Use the left mouse button to drag a control into place.
Lock that control with a single left mouse click.
Move another control, ideally one diagonally opposite, into place.
When done click to unlock the first control, and click once again to lock this one.
(Repeat as necessary until all controls are in place.)
You will probably want to zoom in/out, which can be done with the mouse scroll wheel.
If you want to scan to a place that is off screen tick the move map and controls together box whilst you do it.
For safety tick Read-Only box at this stage.
Check the courses you want are ticked.
Create the event.
Check it as you can – when happy, untick the read-only tag via Edit Event.
Update the Events Database
- URL of the results post
- Winsplits and Routegadget numbers (from appropriate URLs.)

Update April19 (PS): –
Results files from SI Autodownload do not include event specific names: files are index.html file and stage1_coursename_course.html etc. This means we have dozens of files with the same name. It is best for each set of results files to go in a separate directory/folder and the way to do that is to load them when editing the post, not via the Media Library.
Should you need to add multiple results files to a post it is well done by editing the post, select the whole lot of files in Windows Explorer, and drag and drop the set into the post. The system pops them in one by one with an address:
http: // / wordpress / wp-content / racereports / postname / files / filename.filetype
So the files are attached to the post rather than going in the general media area
http: // / wordpress / wp-content / uploads / files / filename.filetype
The system does spot if there is already a file of that name, and it automatically handles by adding -1 etc (I think) e.g. index-82.html
Winsplits: go to Winsplits Online and click on Upload Split Times. Choose “IOF XML” as the file format, and on the next screen enter your e-mail address and upload the “{event} Routegadget.xml” file. Confirm that the results summary looks correct and proceed to the splits page to get the hyperlink.
- Splitsbrowser: go to the Splitsbrowser add event page and enter the details. The file format is “SportIdent CSV” and the file is “{event} OE file.csv”.
- Routegadget: go to the Routegadget sign-in page and enter the club’s username and password (from Paul Nixon, Ollie O’Brien or Angus Lund). Choose add a new map and IOF-XML as default formats. Upload the blank map, the “{event} Routegadget file.xml” (for splits) and “{event} coursedata.xml”. Provided the file checks are OK, proceed to adjust the control locations on the map.
The files needed for Routegadget are:1. The results2. The course descriptions in XML3. A blank map in either jpeg or gif.4. In addition something to locate two well-separated controls correctly is needed. This is usually an all controls map but could be a paper copy of a long course.
- Attackpoint: e-mail the two files “{event} o_coursedata.xml” and “{event} OE file.csv” to Angus Lund who has permission to upload them to Attackpoint. He will send back the relevant URL.
Use the event database (Tools – > SLOW Event DB), and search for the event.
Update the event by adding in the URL to your new blog post, and also add in the IDs.
Once done, check the event results link now appears on the front page of SLOWeb and on the general Results page.
Event Results – Updating
If you need to repost the events results, first update them on Winsplits/Splitsbrowser/Routegadget if necessary. In all three cases it is recommended to update the existing data rather than uploading new data, as otherwise people may inadvertently access the old links. It also means that old links to the old data in Facebook, Twitter etc, will remain valid.
If replacing an uploaded results file, or set of results file, delete the existing files before uploading the replacements – otherwise the (same-named) replacements will have a -2 appended to their URL.