Inns of Justice Street-O Results
Update: Series results after race 4 now uploaded.
Happy new year. There was a great turnout at the first race of 2023 and was also one of the highest for our Street-O events. The rain held off for most of the runners, which made the event more enjoyable. Thank you Iris and all the on-the-day-helpers.
The results are here. There are a few missing results. To add these or any other queries, email .
Ed was top of the results, followed by a group who were fairly closely packed. Well done Ed for almost clearing the course.
Lost property: Blue Energizer head torch. Can be collected at the next event.
The next Street-O event is on Tuesday 7th February in Highgate. The details are now online and, as with all series events, is linked to here.
The next SLOW orienteering event is night orienteering at Barnes Common on Tuesday 24th January.
There is a preliminary post for SLOW’s large annual urban race. If you like Street-O then you will like urban orienteering races. It will be on Saturday 16th September so please save the date. There will also be accompanying races making it a fun weekend of orienteering.