Tooting Commons Results

Thanks for coming along to this week’s Park Race, and thanks to the Rose and Crown for hosting us. The race was organised by Nathan Havel and it was part of SLOW’s Summer Park Race Series

The next race in the series is next Tuesday courtesy of Mole Valley Orienteering Club. The week after Dartford OK host, and the week after that it is our event in Ealing. This is followed by events hosted by London OK and Chigwell Orienteers. We are hoping to organise a “finale” event in a central London Park on the reserve date 23rd July, but haven’t tied up land permission yet.

Incidentally for those new or perhaps returning to Orienteering the sport has recently been added to the Eurovision Sport service (free, but registration needed.) 30 minute highlight programmes of recent international races (short distance formats like park races) in Olten, Switzerland and Genoa, Italy can be found at the Orienteering at Eurovision Sport landing page.

Tooting Commons Results

Results at Winsplits

Results at SportIdent