Raynes Park Street-O Results
A big thank you to Simon for planning his first Street-O event. It was very well organised and quite a tricky course! Also a big thank you to the Raynes Park Tavern, which was a great venue.
Planner’s comments
Thanks everyone for coming and making my first event as an organiser well-attended and a lot of fun. I tried to set a course with varied route choices between a slightly sparser but flatter area to the south and east, and a denser but hillier section using Copse Hill to the west and the Ridgway Hills to the north – I hope this made for some quick and interesting route decisions!
Routegadget – draw your route!
Well done to James Fraser on another win. Well done to David Mountain getting back in 59:58, great timing!
274 people have participated in the series so far, which is wonderful. 14 people have come along to 6 races. Simon Wright is currently leading the series. Campbell Walsh, Duncan Grassie and James Fraser are still in with a chance of winning with 2 remaining races. For the women, Vinh-Phuong Hoang has an uncatchable lead.
Next events
It was a big turn out at today’s event. Can we top this at the next Street-Os in Greenwich and Isle of Dogs on 8th April, organised by our neighbouring club Dartford Orienteers, and the series finale in Bethnal Green on 13th May? See you there!