Wandsworth Street-O Results
Over 100 people turned up to the Wandsworth Street-O. It was a fantastic event and there was a great buzz in the pub afterwards. Rebecca planned a tricky course making the most of the railway lines and hills. The hills seemed to catch people out with approximately 30% of people were late back!
Thank you to all the helpers who made the event run so smoothly.
Routegadget – draw your route!
Chris Waite topped the results for the first time. Vinh Hoang was top woman. Geoff Goodwin timed his run best, finishing in 59:58. The results also have a large number of first timers – do come along to the series finale next month.
Contact for results queries.
Next events
The final Street-O event of this year’s series will be in Clapham on Tuesday 14th May. Event details will be published soon. Series prizes will be presented towards the end of the evening. See you there!