Jan Kjellstrom International Festival 2005

SLOW Women’s Premier team of Rachael Holmes (left) Heather Monro (centre) Amy Sarkies (right), and took a fantastic 3rd place. This is the second time SLOW has been in the medals in the JK Women’s Premier Relay. In 1990 (Devilla, Scotland) SLOW also finished 3rd with an 18 year old Heather Monro on first leg and Monika Bonafini and Di Leakey on legs 2 and 3. The same team had finished 4th in 1989 and won the British Relays in 1990 in Deffer Woods, Yorkshire. (thanks to Dave Harrison for the long memory)
SLOW members had a hugely successful competition. Congratulations to SLOW’s star performers:
Women’s Elite: Heather Monro 1st
W21L: Abi Weeds 1st
M16: Ralph Street 3rd
M60: Mike Murray 1st
Mini Relay: James Haynes, Matthew Haynes, Greg Street 3rd
Men Junior: James McMillan, Michael May, Ralph Street 4th
JK Trophy (Men’s Premier): Ed Catmur, Paul Nixon, Peter Huzan, Simon Evans 17th
Women Veterans: Di Leakey, Jackie Chapman, Kathy Haynes 1st
Men SuperVets: Alan Leakey, David May, Mike Murray 1st
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