Kate Thomas

South London Orienteers are very sad to learn of the death of Kate Thomas, who passed away on Sunday after receiving a diagnosis of cancer only a short time ago. Kate was a leading light in SLOW and she will be sadly missed by a great number of people. We’re sure that those of you who met Kate, and who knew her enthusiasm and drive, will join us in regretting her early death.
Kate’s funeral has been arranged for Thursday 24th August, 1:30 pm, at the Canford Crematorium, north Bristol, BS9 3PQ (Map link). There is to be a short (20-minute) service, celebrating Kate’s life and friendships, in the chapel at the Crematorium, with 5 minutes either end for filing in and out. We understand that Kate’s parents intend to arrange a small gathering afterwards, but we are not yet sure of the arrangements.
Please email Jenny Costigan (membership @ sloweb.org.uk) if you would like to receive further information on the funeral arrangements or if you would like to share a lift down from London.