Streatham Common GLOSS Results

This was a delightful event on Streatham Common, part of the Greater London Orienteering Summer Series (GLOSS), with a lovely base at the Rookery Cafe. The weather was with perfect and such a difference to the recent rain and gusts!

Leg 7 to 8 on the GLOSS and GLOSS + Extension course has been excluded as a number of competitors crossed an uncrossable fence to the south of control 127 where a gate that is normally locked was open. This ensures that those who gained an advantage from using this route are treated the same as those who went on the longer route around to this control.

Results – pdf

Scores after GLOSS handicapping – link to London Orienteering Klubb website

Results – Sportident

Winsplits – compare splits

Routegadget – Draw your route! Compare your routes with others. Playback action (real time/ mass start option). Compare splits using Splitsbrowser icon.

Planner’s Comments

I hope you all enjoyed your run around Streatham Common and Norwood Grove.  Having various areas enclosed by fences or walls meant it was possible to create some route choice legs and I tried to make the most of this as much as possible, whilst being mindful of creating controls sites where units could be secured.  On all my trips to the area including a few Sundays ago, the controversial gate on leg 7-8 had been locked and I therefore asked for it to be removed from the map and replaced with an uncrossable fence.  It was such a shame that the gate happened to be open on the day and therefore a decision was made to void that leg.  I hope that this didn’t spoil the experience for anyone.

I’d like to thank all the people involved with helping prior to the event and on the day, in particular Vince who controlled, Don who made numerous map updates and Gordon who helped with a lot of technical aspects of the planning.


Future events

The finale of the GLOSS series is next week Sunday 23rd July on Hampstead Heath. Details are on London Orienteering Klubb’s website and entries are still open on Fabian4.

The Park Race series continues on Tuesday evenings with two events remaining. Crystal Palace is this upcoming Tuesday.

A reminder that entries are open for our big London City Race weekend on SiEntries. Entry fee increases on 7th August so enter now for an early bird price!