Glover’s Wood Results
Organiser’s Comments – Charlie Turner
The decision to hold this event happened in early July when Teresa and I were on a lockdown walk through Glovers Wood. It looked fantastic and was crying out to be a replacement for the London City Race, which at that time was very much looking as it was going to be cancelled. The bonus was discovering that Lidar data was available and amazingly land access permission was granted in an incredibly short time. When a club request went out for a planner this was answered within 24 hours by Richard who soon added Ginny and son Ed to make up a family team. In mid July we had a five person zoom meeting to work out how we would structure the event around the Covid19 restrictions. Things were more complicated than I had initially imagined and our meeting ran to just under two hours. The new map survey was largely completed by the end of July and things were now well under way. Gordon handled all the SI matters with amazing ability and introduced lots of innovative functions, which included being able to pre enter from the field up to 12.30 yesterday!
Specific thanks must go to our controller, Paul Todd who offered lots of valuable suggestions and made sure we were all doing the right things.
Lastly we must thank the weather for being so brilliant for the whole day and you all for adhering to social distancing etc. Yesterday the farmer met up with me at about 4.30 in the field and as for all orienteering events it was litter free. Thank you!
Planner’s Comments – Richard Catmur
Thank you for all the (mostly kind!) feedback on my courses. Certainly they may have seemed a little long after the recent “shutdown” but I see that the winning times are all close to the target times. One competitor even said that he wished he had done a longer course!
I would like to say sorry to those competitors stung by the hornets. Obviously we were aware of the nest and had planned for the warning signs; however on our previous visits the hornets were nowhere near as active as they were on the race day. We suspect that the sunshine and the presence of many runners going past made them much more active and it seems that at this time of year they are very protective of their young and object to being disturbed. Obviously we should all learn a lesson from this and take note to keep courses further away from such nests in the future.
Routegadget – please add your route!
Results on British Orienteering Site
Course Video – Short Blue
Thanks to Steed 171 for a Headcam video of one of the courses: