Wimbledon Night O Results
Routegadget – draw your route!
Organiser / Planner Comments
Being the first event of the series, I wanted to keep it relatively easy and enjoyable. It was great to see that everyone finished, well done all.
We were lucky that it stayed relatively dry during the event, although a torrential downpour in the afternoon made it rather slippery – as Pete can attest to!
At the sharp end of the results there were commanding victories for Jason and Vinh-Phuong on the Long and Short courses respectively.
Thanks to everyone who helped on the night – Gordon, Tom, Kieran, Jason, Pete – and to The Telegraph for hosting us.
Organiser / Planner – Steve Clelland

Upcoming Events
14th November – Street O, Dollis Hill
28th November – Night O, Boston Manor & Elthorne