SLOW club kit

As many of you will know, we have been out of stock of SLOW club kit for some time now. The good news is that we are about to place a new order! You will need to email me (paulnixon79 @ to let me know if you would like a new top. The details are as follows.
DESIGN – we will be ordering the new tops from our previous supplier Trimtex, in an identical design to our current kit. However the new tops are now laser printed, rather than made of different stitched panels, so they will look slightly different to the previous version. The picture on the right shows the design of the current tops. Look at the photo gallery for more examples of the design.
SLEEVES – Trimtex are now offering tops in long-sleeved versions for the first time, as well as the short-sleeved version. However the long-sleeved top will cost £5 more.
FEMALE TOPS – Trimtex now produce a female version of the tops. These can be seen on the Trimtex website here (the standard tops are the “Extreme o-shirt unisex”):
PRICES – the costs of the kit has increased substantially since our previous order in 2006, due to both increased manufacturing costs and the falling pound:euro exchange rate. However, the club have generously agreed to provide a subsidy to the costs of tops for all club members (which works out as around £6 a top). The cost to club members for tops will be £35 per top for short sleeves, or £40 per top for long sleeves (unisex and female tops are the same price). Payment can be made when the tops are received.
TROUSERS – we are not intending to order any orienteering trousers unless there is sufficient interest. If we do order, these will the same as the current design, full length blue trousers, and will cost £30 each. Let me know if you want some. I will confirm before placing the final order whether or not we will be ordering trousers.
SIZES – available sizes for tops are XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL and XXXL. The tops are quite tight fitting and people have generally found they need to order one size larger than usual. If you are unsure which size to order please ask to try on another club member’s top or ask me for advice (I do have a full list of sizes previously ordered by all club members!).
ORDERS – if you would like to order a top, please let me know by FRIDAY 8TH MAY at the latest – I will be placing the order in shortly after this. When ordering please tell me: (i) size of top, (ii) unisex or female design, (iii) short or long sleeves, (iv) whether you want trousers as well.
DELIVERY – we expect the new tops will be available around July or August. We will let you know when the order has been received and arrange distribution of the new kit.
Let me know if you have any questions, otherwise please confirm your order to me by Friday 8th May.