Club Social / Training Day Report
The club held a social + training morning on Saturday 3rd February. Thanks to Ranelagh Harriers we had a great base close to one of the gates to Richmond Park.
Photos: thanks to Vinh and Steve.

We provided maps, and attendees could choose a level of difficulty and use the Maprun app on phone or watch.. Thanks to Matthias for arranging this.

Some training technqiues were suggested to more experienced orienteers to add focus to their runs. For example, specific focus on contours or deliberately not looking at the map between leaving one control and reaching their attackpoint (not recommended except as a training exercise!) Thanks to Don for the suggestions.

.All less experienced orienteers were matched up with an experienced runner and there was a range of help provided from shadowing to technique demonstration e.g. bearings, attackpoints.

Cake, biscuits and a range of soft drinks faciliated a lot of post exercise chat!

It seemed everyone enjoyed their morning and we hope, subject to member interest, to hold further meetings of this type.
Thanks again to Ranelagh Harriers. They offer twice-weekly coached training sessions and regular social runs.