OK Nuts 2025 – Pasture Wood & Leith Hill

Sunday 30th March 2025

The OK Nuts 2025

South London Orienteers invite you to run in a Level C event on Pasture Wood and Leith Hill on Sunday 30th March 2025. The event will be our annual OK Nuts Trophy, our top forest orienteering race of the year.

Permission to use Pasture Wood has been lost for 40 years but we are now grateful to a large number of owners who have given us access.

The area is part of the southern slope to the Greensand ridge of the Surrey Hills. It was on the maps for the JK races in 1971 and 1977, and was last used for the Southern Champs in 1984. All competitors will use the compact area of Pasture Wood, which has a wealth of detail and steep slopes, and relatively few areas of bramble in comparison with many areas in the South East. The three longest courses will also use part of Leith Hill which was used for the British Middle Champs in 2016. A sample of part of the Pasture Wood map is below.

This event is on FacebookThis event is on Facebook. Say you are coming here!

Location: near Abinger Common, approx. 6 miles SW of Dorking, Surrey

Parking is in a field, along a track off Leith Hill Road approx. 1km south of Abinger Common. It will be signed from Leith Hill Road.

Postcode: RH5 6LW what3words: ///riches.admit.rested

LocationPasture Wood and Leith Hill
Latitude/longitude51.1879, -0.3915
OS grid referenceTQ125444
MapsGoogle Maps, OpenStreetMap

Start and Finish

The Start for all courses is approx. 600m walk from the car park. The Finish is close to the car park.


1:7500 with 5m contours for all courses. Black, Brown and Short Brown courses have back-to-back maps. Mapped by Charlie Turner (SLOW) 2024-25.


A full range of colour-coded courses. Course lengths and climb below are approximate.

Black10.0km435mNo under 16s. OK Nuts Mens course. >30 controls.
Brown8.4km350mNo under 16s. OK Nuts Womens course. >30 controls.
Short Brown6.8km315mNo under 16s.
Blue5.2km275mOK Nuts M16 course.
Short Blue4.3km215m
Green3.6km190mOK Nuts W16 course.
Short Green3.1km155m
Very Short Green2.4km120m
Light Green3.2km125mSuitable for improvers.
Orange2.7km105mSuitable for adult beginners and experienced juniors.
Yellow2.0km75mSuitable for juniors with some experience or for supervised beginners.
White1.8km70mSuitable for beginners.

The Black, Brown and Short Brown courses cross a road twice and due to Public Liability Insurance conditions no under 16s are permitted on these courses.

Competitors on the Black and Brown courses with a version 5 (1-500000) or version 8 (2000000-2999999) SI card, which can record a maximum of 30 punches, need to hire a SIAC as these courses have more than 30 controls.


Entries are open at SI Entries. Start times are between 10.30 and 12.15. Select your time when entering. Courses close at 14.30.

Entries will remain open on SIEntries until 11.45 on Sunday 30 March subject to map availability. There will be no entry at the event.

CategoryEntry fee
Up to 16 MarchFrom 17 to 23 MarchFrom 24 March
Senior – British Orienteering member£13£15£17
Senior – non-member£15£17£19
Young adult (21-25) – member£9£10£11
Young adult (21-25) – non-member£11£12£13
Junior (20 and under)£5£6£7

If you do not have your own timing card, SIAC hire is £2 extra for Seniors and Young Adults, free for Juniors. Lost SIACs will be charged at £65.


OK Nuts Trophies will be awarded to the fastest orienteers on the allocated courses in the following categories:

Men: Black, Women: Brown, M16: Blue, W16: Green.


Enquiries, SI Collection, Download, Toilets and First Aid will be in the assembly area next to parking.


Organiser: Mike Garvin (SLOW)

Planner: Charlie Turner (SLOW)

Controller: Andrew Evans (DFOK)

The event is run under the rules and guidelines of, and sanctioned by, British Orienteering. Please familiarise yourself with the British Orienteering Participant Code of Conduct which applies to the event.

Risks, Your Information

  • Orienteering is an adventure sport. All competitors take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.
  • If we cancel the event SLOW will refund your entry fee less the costs of processing your entry and refund.
  • The personal data you give will be used by the event organisers and their agents only for the purposes of processing and publishing the event entries and results, for conducting safety checks and to validate British Orienteering insurance cover.

Results will be published on SIEntries, the SLOW and British Orienteering websites, Winsplits and Routegadget on the SLOW website.

Pasture Wood, Winter Late Afternoon