London City Race 2024

Final Details Version 2 ( posted 9:20pm Sunday 8th September )

The 15th London City Race takes place on Saturday 14th September 2024. The event centre is in the Barbican and the race will mainly be in the “Square Mile” of the City of London. There are accompanying races in London on Friday evening and Sunday.

The race is part of the Euro Tour and the UK Urban League.

Details of entry fees and entry deadlines, are at the SIEntries page.

This CGP Grey video explains the difference “between the City of London and the city named London”.


Event O-Top

The event top, for collection at the race, could be ordered until 9th August. The competitors o-top is £29 for adults and £24 for children.

O-Top Size Chart


Entries are open.

The map scale is 1:4,000 and the mapping is to ISSprOM 2019-2.

Classes and Courses

CourseClassesEstimated Optimal Distance (km)Target Winning Time (mins)Technical/
1Men Elite, Men Under 21 (M20-)12.5503/ IOF
2Women Elite, Women Under 21 (W20-) 10.7503/ IOF
3Men’s Veteran (M40+) 11.2503/ IOF
4Women’s Veteran (W40+)8.3453/ IOF
5Men’s Super Vets (M55+)8.7453/ IOF
6Women’s Super Vets (W55+)7.5453/ IOF
7Men’s Ultra Vets (M65+)
Men’s Open
3/ IOF
8Women’s Ultra Vets (W65+)
Women’s Open
3/ IOF
9Men’s Hyper Vets (M75+)5.7403/ IOF
10Women’s Hyper Vets (W75+)3.7353/ IOF
11Juniors (W16-)
Juniors (M16-)
5.0303/ IOF
12Children (W12-)
Children (M12-)
2.5202 /IOF +
English Text
13Adventurer5.0402 /English
14Accessible2.0452 /English


  • Planner: Michael Crone
  • Organiser: Vince Roper
  • Controller: Roger Thetford (Thames Valley Orienteering Club)
at the 2022 City Race

Ultrasprint – Sunday 15th September

For latest news – see the London OK Homepage

Competitors will run three heats on courses of approximately 1km with a high density of controls, including sections in a specially constructed maze. There will then be a set of finals involving all competitors. This high intensity orienteering will provide a challenge to all competitors and is a great spectacle to watch.  Click here for a short video taster from the 2015 event (opens new window).

Friday 13th Evening Race – Burgess Park

Information Page at the Dartford Orienteers Website