Individual Events

17th MarchThursley
28th AprilPetersfield
19th MayDitchling
21st JulyMickleham
6th OctoberBeenham

Rider’s tracks can be found on the MapRun Event Results page. Note that we use the BMBO scoring scheme (graduated penalties) which is reflected in the SLOW and BMBO results but not in the MapRun app (shows 1 point per minute late).


2024 SERIES/LEAGUE results after the final event of the season. The sheet shows scores normalised out of 500 for each event.

Congratulations to the class leaders (2024 Series):

  • Men’s Vets (50+) – Ian Cartwright
  • Women’s Vets (50+) – Stefania Rosso
  • Men’s Seniors (21-49) – Tom Davies
  • Women’s Seniors (21-49) – Rachel Clay
  • Youth (10-20) – Benjamin Helm

Series Prizes

Series prizes will be presented to the first, second and third places in the following categories: Men’s Vets (50+), Men’s Senior (18-49), Women’s Vets (50+), Women’s Senior (18-49), Youth/Junior.

Series rankings are based on your top 3 scores from this years events. To qualify for prizes or rankings, participants must have attended at least 2 events. Course planners are credited for the events they plan with the average of their best 2 results.

Previous Series Results

Overall series results : 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015

Individual events: 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019